“God walks in the world…”

“God walks in the world and no good attempt is vain”.

It’s the final sentence of a greeting card  we received from a friend of our and we share it with you as a Christmas greeting.

God  chooses to assume our human nature, to make himself close to every situation in our lives.

In the religious perspective of this feast we find the human dimensions of meeting, sharing, openness, brotherhood that binds us, the value of time.

The philosopher Emmanuel Levinas once wrote: “The dialectic of time is the dialectic of the relationship with others”.

Our life is crossed by meeting someone: each of them mirrors us who we are, where we come from, what we are destined for.

We are responsible for transforming, with our good intentions, each meeting opportunity into a unique moment.

Merry Christmas!

Andrea and Sara

Disclaimer Photo by GoaShape on Unsplash

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