Life is all about henka

The motto of Novum Experience is: Understand, Transform, Improve. We have always believed, yesterday as today, that the practice of a discipline should always be experienced in three dimensions. The first is to enable ourselves to expand our ability to absorb the experiences we go through. Literally: being able to stand in the midst of […]

Nyokodo: “The place of love as for oneself”

Anyone reading these pages is likely familiar with the term Dojo (道場), the place where one lives the path, the Do. Today, however, we speak of Nyokodo (如己堂), literally, “the hall (of love) as for oneself.” The world of martial practice is quite polarized when it comes to the topic of love. On some tatami, […]

Today I was awarded the 10th dan, but no one is congratulating me…

…Write Amen and share. If you’ve been on social media for a while, you’ve surely come across “like-and-share” posts. They come in different variations: from pictures of puppies to politicians, from sunsets to more or less sacred and religious-themed images. The latter differ slightly in their call to action, where “like” is replaced with “Amen,” […]

The sacredness of kohai

Sensei (先生), senpai (先輩), kohai (後輩): the practice of a martial discipline revolves around these three figures. Every human experience is based on the interaction between those who were “born first” (sensei), who trace a path for their fellow travelers. Among such travelers, there are those who joined the journey earlier (senpai, the companion who […]

Anatomy of a tobi ukemi

In some martial disciplines, such as Aikido, Judo, and Ju Jutsu, it is essential to learn how to absorb a technique by falling. Accessible to Everyone The teaching of ukemi (受け身) plays a crucial role for practitioners of all ages. In fact, a significant part of an adult’s decision to continue or quit training depends […]

I am the Universe…Or maybe not.

To explain the wonderful and complex uniqueness of each of us, it is often said that each of us is a universe. The term universe holds particular significance in the teachings left by the Founder of Aikido. For such reason, we believe it is important to investigate the term he used, uchu 宇宙, and offer […]