Stop playing games in order to really have fun: Aikido beyond conventions

Playing games and having fun are two pillars of the common experience of human being. Almost sixty years after the publication of “Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships”, we believe it is important to reflect again on the affinities between the practice of Aikido and transactional analysis. The theories originated by Eric Berne’s […]

心 non solo cuore

Grazie all’opera “Capire i Kanji” di Riccardo Gabarrini e Aki Kaku, è possibile scoprire l’evoluzione grafica che nei secoli ha portato all’odierno kanji di cuore “心”.Da un disegno di cuore molto simile al nostro simbolo moderno si è passati ad una forma con delle linee per distinguere i due atri del cuore con due gocce […]

“They are all…Perfect”. Learning Martial Arts from hanami

The arrival of spring in Japan is celebrated with hanami (花見). The rebirth of nature, with the arrival of colors on the still bare branches, amazes everyone; in Japanese sensitivity and culture, spring triggers a social phenomenon in which a people recognizes themselves in contemplating the beauty of nature together. There are real forecasts, like […]

“Chotto matte kudasai” – The value of waiting

“Matteeeeeeeeeee….” “Yameeeeeeeee…..” A few months of attendance at a course of a Japanese martial discipline leads you to familiarize with different oriental terms. Perhaps their meaning is not explained, yet after a few weeks the meaning is understood, on average. So when the Sensei says “matte” (with many “e” or not depending on the mood…), […]

Iriminage san nen: how long does it take to really master iriminage?

Among Aikido communities, the phrase attributed to Morihei Ueshiba is known: 一教 一生 入り身 投げ 三年, ikkyo issho, irimi nage san nen: ikkyo for life, iriminage for three years. Let’s take the Japanese text of the quote. Let’s copy it into an online search engine and we will discover that there is not a single […]

In the emptiness of Christmas the fullness of an encounter

You say “Christmas” and the mind goes to childhood. To your amazement in front of a crib. Gazing at the Christmas tree’s lights. To the warmth of a grandparent’s caress. To the joy of unwrapping a gift. Serene sensations that warm the heart with that little tenderness that slowly rootrd in us. You say “Christmas” […]

The importance of learning the art of falling: what do researchers say about?

Why is it so important to learn to fall? Some university researchers investigated this a few years ago, starting from some statistical evidence. (You can learn more can reading here and here) Fall injuries are the second leading cause of death from unintentional injuries among minors, according to WHO data. A fact that, in Europe […]

Martially speaking

Sooner or later it happens, it’s just a matter of time. Sooner or later, this sentence pops up during a class, in its various forms: “This movement/this technique/this situation, martially speaking, doesn’t make sense/makes sense/it’s done like this/it’s not done like that” Etc, etc, etc. It is an interesting sentence, which usually arises in two […]

Nulla ethica sine aesthetica: from Rome to Japan

Is there a link between ethics and aesthetics? And if so, can it be trained? These are questions that human beings have been asking themselves for centuries. Romans had given a hasty answer, according to their culture: “nulla ethica sine aesthethica”. There is no ethics, without aesthetics. We are all intimately convinced that we have […]